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training courses Percorsi formativi

accredited school Tuscan Region N FI0940, non-profit association registered at the Tuscany Region n° 2435

Training courses

Given the training needs detected by our Consultants Company, we are able to:

- Provide training for growth, performance, diversification in Economic-Administrative, Commercial, Managerial and / or in terms of Quality, Environment, Safety, Marketing
and Communication;

- Finance training on any topic, including "legal obligation" as such. Security, ECM, HACCP, etc., and courses for professional apprenticeships;

- Provide any learning methodology (training providers, e-learning, coaching in the company, etc.), taking advantage of the consultants with which the company is already
in contact and / or by providing teachers accredited by the training agencies in the network, implementing the needed functional pathways the need of the company.

Mahasara Italy Consulting network with its partners, professionals and consultants, by surveying the company needs, you can activate through the funded training, courses
business advice organizational and management in the following areas:

Improved internal organization (Cash flow, Teamwork, Lean Organization, Lean Production, Integrated Logistics, Sales Management)
Obtaining certification ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, EN 16001, SA 8000, EN ISO 3834-2 and Claims Center Transformation Steel, EMAS Environmental Declarations
Supervisory Board (SB) as indicated by Legislative Decree no. 231/01
Consulting and technical services in the areas of Safety and Environment
Strategic marketing
IT solutions for business management implemented by leading open source technologies for each specific sector
Web design solutions and graphics for all the needs of traditional advertising and marketing
Improving technical / organizational (optimization skills, better knowledge foreign languages)
Courses apprenticeship
Corporate Training catalog and customized